Illustrative example for weighting methods

This example explains the usage of the Python 3 library package pyrepo-mcda that provides methods for multi-criteria decision analysis using objective weighting methods. This library contains module weighting_methods with the following weighting methods:

  1. Equal equal_weighting

  2. Entropy entropy_weighting

  3. Standard deviation std_weighting

  4. CRITIC critic_weighting

  5. Gini coefficient-based gini_weighting

  6. MEREC merec_weighting

  7. Statistical variance stat_var_weighting

  8. CILOS cilos_weighting

  9. IDOCRIW idocriw_weighting

  10. Angle angle_weighting

  11. Coefficient of variance coeff_var_weighting

In addition to the weighting methods, the library also provides other methods necessary for multi-criteria decision analysis, which are as follows:

The VIKOR method for multi-criteria decision analysis VIKOR in module mcda_methods,

Normalization techniques:

  1. Linear linear_normalization

  2. Minimum-Maximum minmax_normalization

  3. Maximum max_normalization

  4. Sum sum_normalization

  5. Vector vector_normalization

Correlation coefficients:

  1. Spearman rank correlation coefficient rs spearman

  2. Weighted Spearman rank correlation coefficient rw weighted_spearman

  3. Pearson coefficent pearson_coeff

Import other necessary Python modules.

import copy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns

Import the necessary modules and methods from package pyrepo_mcda.

from pyrepo_mcda.mcda_methods import VIKOR
from pyrepo_mcda.mcda_methods import VIKOR_SMAA
from pyrepo_mcda.additions import rank_preferences
from pyrepo_mcda import correlations as corrs
from pyrepo_mcda import normalizations as norm_methods
from pyrepo_mcda import weighting_methods as mcda_weights

Functions for results visualization.

# Functions for visualizations

def plot_barplot(df_plot, x_name, y_name, title):
    Display stacked column chart of weights for criteria for `x_name == Weighting methods`
    and column chart of ranks for alternatives `x_name == Alternatives`

        df_plot : dataframe
            dataframe with criteria weights calculated different weighting methods
            or with alternaives rankings for different weighting methods
        x_name : str
            name of x axis, Alternatives or Weighting methods
        y_name : str
            name of y axis, Ranks or Weight values
        title : str
            name of chart title, Weighting methods or Criteria

    >>> plot_barplot(df_plot, x_name, y_name, title)

    list_rank = np.arange(1, len(df_plot) + 1, 1)
    stacked = True
    width = 0.5
    if x_name == 'Alternatives':
        stacked = False
        width = 0.8
    elif x_name == 'Alternative':
        df_plot = df_plot.T
    ax = df_plot.plot(kind='bar', width = width, stacked=stacked, edgecolor = 'black', figsize = (9,4))
    ax.set_xlabel(x_name, fontsize = 12)
    ax.set_ylabel(y_name, fontsize = 12)

    if x_name == 'Alternatives':

    ax.set_xticklabels(df_plot.index, rotation = 'horizontal')
    ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', labelsize = 12)

    plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc='lower left',
    ncol=4, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., edgecolor = 'black', title = title, fontsize = 11)

    ax.grid(True, linestyle = '--')
    plt.savefig('results/bar_chart_weights_' + x_name + '.pdf')
    plt.savefig('results/bar_chart_weights_' + x_name + '.eps')

def draw_heatmap(data, title):
    Display heatmap with correlations of compared rankings generated using different methods

        data : dataframe
            dataframe with correlation values between compared rankings
        title : str
            title of chart containing name of used correlation coefficient

    >>> draw_heatmap(data, title)

    plt.figure(figsize = (6, 4))
    heatmap = sns.heatmap(data, annot=True, fmt=".2f", cmap="RdYlBu",
                          linewidth=0.5, linecolor='w')
    plt.xlabel('Weighting methods')
    title = title.replace("$", "")
    title = title.replace("{", "")
    title = title.replace("}", "")
    plt.title('Correlation coefficient: ' + title)

def draw_heatmap_smaa(data, title):
    Display heatmap with correlations of compared rankings generated using different methods

        data : dataframe
            dataframe with correlation values between compared rankings
        title : str
            title of chart containing name of used correlation coefficient

    >>> draw_heatmap(data, title)

    heatmap = sns.heatmap(data, annot=True, fmt=".2f", cmap="RdYlBu_r",
                        linewidth=0.05, linecolor='w')


def plot_boxplot(data):
    Display boxplot showing distribution of criteria weights determined with different methods.

        data : dataframe
            dataframe with correlation values between compared rankings

    >>> plot_boxplot(data)

    df_melted = pd.melt(data)
    plt.figure(figsize = (7, 4))
    ax = sns.boxplot(x = 'variable', y = 'value', data = df_melted, width = 0.6)
    ax.grid(True, linestyle = '--')
    ax.set_xlabel('Criterion', fontsize = 12)
    ax.set_ylabel('Different weights distribution', fontsize = 12)

# Create dictionary class
class Create_dictionary(dict):

    # __init__ function
    def __init__(self):
        self = dict()

    # Function to add key:value
    def add(self, key, value):
        self[key] = value

As an illustrative example, a dataset will be used containing performances of the twelve best-selling electric cars in 2021 according to a ranking available at The dataset is displayed below. \(A_1\)-\(A_{12}\) are the individual alternatives in rows, columns \(C_1\)-\(C_{11}\) denote the criteria, and the Type row contains the criteria type, where 1 indicates a profit criterion (stimulant) and -1 a cost criterion (destimulant). The following are the evaluation criteria for the electric cars evaluated in this research.

criteria_presentation = pd.read_csv('criteria_electric_cars.csv', index_col = 'Cj')
Name Unit Type
C1 Max speed mph 1
C2 Battery capacity kWh 1
C3 Electric motor kW 1
C4 Maximum torque Nm 1
C5 Horsepower hp 1
C6 EPA Fuel Economy Combined MPGe 1
C7 EPA Fuel Economy City MPGe 1
C8 EPA Fuel Economy Highway MPGe 1
C9 EPA range miles 1
C10 Turning Diameter / Radius, curb to curb feet -1
C11 Base price USD -1
data_presentation = pd.read_csv('electric_cars_2021.csv', index_col = 'Ai')
Name C1 Max speed [mph] C2 Battery [kWh] C3 Electric motor [kW] Front C4 Torque [Nm] Front C5 Mechanical horsepower [hp] C6 EPA Fuel Economy Combined [MPGe] C7 EPA Fuel Economy City [MPGe] C8 EPA Fuel Economy Highway [MPGe] C9 EPA range [miles] C10 Turning Diameter / Radius, curb to curb [feet] C11 Base price [$]
A1 Tesla Model Y 155.3 74.0 340 673 456.0 111 115 106 244 39.8 65440
A2 Tesla Model 3 162.2 79.5 247 639 283.0 113 118 107 263 38.8 60440
A3 Ford Mustang Mach-E 112.5 68.0 198 430 266.0 98 105 91 230 38.1 56575
A4 Chevrolet Bolt EV and EUV 90.1 66.0 150 360 201.2 120 131 109 259 34.8 32495
A5 Volkswagen ID.4 99.4 77.0 150 310 201.2 97 102 90 260 36.4 45635
A6 Nissan Leaf 89.5 40.0 110 320 147.5 111 123 99 226 34.8 28425
A7 Audi e-tron and e-tron Sportback 124.3 95.0 125 247 187.7 78 78 77 222 40.0 84595
A8 Porsche Taycan 155.3 79.2 160 300 214.6 79 79 80 227 38.4 105150
A9 Tesla Model S 162.2 100.0 205 420 502.9 120 124 115 402 40.3 96440
A10 Hyundai Kona Electric 96.3 39.2 100 395 134.1 120 132 108 258 34.8 35245
A11 Tesla Model X 162.2 100.0 205 420 502.9 98 103 93 371 40.8 127940
A12 Hyundai Ioniq Electric 102.5 38.3 101 295 136.1 133 145 121 170 34.8 34250
Type NaN 1.0 1.0 1 1 1.0 1 1 1 1 -1.0 -1

Load a decision matrix containing only the performance values of the alternatives against the criteria and the criteria type in the last row, as shown below. Transform the decision matrix and criteria type from dataframe to NumPy array.

# Load data from CSV
filename = 'dataset_cars.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col = 'Ai')
# Load decision matrix from CSV
df_data = data.iloc[:len(data) - 1, :]
# Criteria types are in the last row of CSV
types = data.iloc[len(data) - 1, :].to_numpy()

# Convert decision matrix from dataframe to numpy ndarray type for faster calculations.
matrix = df_data.to_numpy()

# Symbols for alternatives Ai
list_alt_names = [r'$A_{' + str(i) + '}$' for i in range(1, df_data.shape[0] + 1)]
# Symbols for columns Cj
cols = [r'$C_{' + str(j) + '}$' for j in range(1, data.shape[1] + 1)]
print('Decision matrix')
Decision matrix
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11
A1 155.3 74.0 340 673 456.0 111 115 106 244 39.8 65440
A2 162.2 79.5 247 639 283.0 113 118 107 263 38.8 60440
A3 112.5 68.0 198 430 266.0 98 105 91 230 38.1 56575
A4 90.1 66.0 150 360 201.2 120 131 109 259 34.8 32495
A5 99.4 77.0 150 310 201.2 97 102 90 260 36.4 45635
A6 89.5 40.0 110 320 147.5 111 123 99 226 34.8 28425
A7 124.3 95.0 125 247 187.7 78 78 77 222 40.0 84595
A8 155.3 79.2 160 300 214.6 79 79 80 227 38.4 105150
A9 162.2 100.0 205 420 502.9 120 124 115 402 40.3 96440
A10 96.3 39.2 100 395 134.1 120 132 108 258 34.8 35245
A11 162.2 100.0 205 420 502.9 98 103 93 371 40.8 127940
A12 102.5 38.3 101 295 136.1 133 145 121 170 34.8 34250
print('Criteria types')
Criteria types
array([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1.])

Objective weighting methods

Calculate the weights with the selected weighing method. In this case, the Entropy weighting method (entropy_weighting) is selected.

weights = mcda_weights.entropy_weighting(matrix)
df_weights = pd.DataFrame(weights.reshape(1, -1), index = ['Weights'], columns = cols)
$C_{1}$ $C_{2}$ $C_{3}$ $C_{4}$ $C_{5}$ $C_{6}$ $C_{7}$ $C_{8}$ $C_{9}$ $C_{10}$ $C_{11}$
Weights 0.057741 0.099843 0.142673 0.096488 0.236087 0.024544 0.032432 0.018126 0.053958 0.003863 0.234244

Use the VIKOR method to determine the value of the preference function (pref) and the ranking of alternatives (rank). The VIKOR method ranks alternatives ascendingly according to preference function values, so the reverse parameter in the rank_preferences method is set to False.

# Create the VIKOR method object
vikor = VIKOR(normalization_method=norm_methods.minmax_normalization)

# Calculate alternatives preference function values with VIKOR method
pref = vikor(matrix, weights, types)

# rank alternatives according to preference values
rank = rank_preferences(pref, reverse = False)
df_results = pd.DataFrame(index = list_alt_names)
df_results['Pref'] = pref
df_results['Rank'] = rank
Pref Rank
$A_{1}$ 0.000000 1
$A_{2}$ 0.325154 2
$A_{3}$ 0.531050 4
$A_{4}$ 0.682258 5
$A_{5}$ 0.734162 7
$A_{6}$ 0.922091 10
$A_{7}$ 0.884828 9
$A_{8}$ 0.821773 8
$A_{9}$ 0.332600 3
$A_{10}$ 0.940460 11
$A_{11}$ 0.696434 6
$A_{12}$ 0.954832 12

The second part of the manual contains codes for benchmarking against several different criteria weighting methods. List the weighting methods you wish to explore.

# Create a list with weighting methods that you want to explore
weighting_methods_set = [

Below is a loop with code to collect results for each weighting technique. Then display the results, namely weights, preference function values and rankings.

df_weights = pd.DataFrame(index = cols)
df_preferences = pd.DataFrame(index = list_alt_names)
df_rankings = pd.DataFrame(index = list_alt_names)

# Create dataframes for weights, preference function values and rankings determined using different weighting methods
df_weights = pd.DataFrame(index = cols)
df_preferences = pd.DataFrame(index = list_alt_names)
df_rankings = pd.DataFrame(index = list_alt_names)

# Create the VIKOR method object
vikor = VIKOR()
for weight_type in weighting_methods_set:

    if weight_type.__name__ in ["cilos_weighting", "idocriw_weighting", "angle_weighting", "merec_weighting"]:
        weights = weight_type(matrix, types)
        weights = weight_type(matrix)

    df_weights[weight_type.__name__[:-10].upper().replace('_', ' ')] = weights
    pref = vikor(matrix, weights, types)
    rank = rank_preferences(pref, reverse = False)
    df_preferences[weight_type.__name__[:-10].upper().replace('_', ' ')] = pref
    df_rankings[weight_type.__name__[:-10].upper().replace('_', ' ')] = rank
$C_{1}$ 0.090909 0.057741 0.093960 0.080882 0.067363 0.143855 0.089362 0.081732 0.079378
$C_{2}$ 0.090909 0.099843 0.099277 0.103800 0.125195 0.103976 0.076405 0.103002 0.101129
$C_{3}$ 0.090909 0.142673 0.066132 0.128202 0.103489 0.067308 0.094271 0.129702 0.129595
$C_{4}$ 0.090909 0.096488 0.075874 0.103200 0.093050 0.076665 0.079572 0.108379 0.106746
$C_{5}$ 0.090909 0.236087 0.071195 0.163513 0.124581 0.112880 0.154235 0.162354 0.166788
$C_{6}$ 0.090909 0.024544 0.112865 0.052308 0.064886 0.074361 0.071876 0.053145 0.051074
$C_{7}$ 0.090909 0.032432 0.120602 0.060388 0.077107 0.073925 0.076822 0.060739 0.058510
$C_{8}$ 0.090909 0.018126 0.103536 0.046188 0.053708 0.076150 0.069418 0.046061 0.044183
$C_{9}$ 0.090909 0.053958 0.065514 0.073099 0.087109 0.060565 0.039702 0.081691 0.079337
$C_{10}$ 0.090909 0.003863 0.098432 0.021151 0.018566 0.126025 0.017062 0.021711 0.020518
$C_{11}$ 0.090909 0.234244 0.092612 0.167270 0.184947 0.084289 0.231276 0.151484 0.162742
$A_{1}$ 0.276946 0.000000 0.193324 0.000000 0.000000 0.210477 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$A_{2}$ 0.061114 0.325154 0.053863 0.267784 0.096602 0.062729 0.100057 0.290131 0.285029
$A_{3}$ 0.410427 0.531050 0.351973 0.519285 0.353853 0.442186 0.332813 0.544429 0.535374
$A_{4}$ 0.665445 0.682258 0.384420 0.629619 0.376115 0.705929 0.353278 0.656196 0.650874
$A_{5}$ 0.618993 0.734162 0.449121 0.713059 0.485436 0.680768 0.473333 0.737880 0.731601
$A_{6}$ 0.819258 0.922091 0.558323 0.879933 0.619888 0.856815 0.549559 0.905704 0.901084
$A_{7}$ 1.000000 0.884828 1.000000 0.869011 0.662208 0.710609 0.657640 0.888708 0.885934
$A_{8}$ 0.909559 0.821773 0.920743 0.786866 0.809377 0.435339 0.798193 0.797143 0.796411
$A_{9}$ 0.375000 0.332600 0.223787 0.289556 0.255499 0.263261 0.301515 0.256822 0.278596
$A_{10}$ 0.745923 0.940460 0.490234 0.868050 0.580755 0.677000 0.528558 0.890187 0.889102
$A_{11}$ 0.670693 0.696434 0.493401 0.676774 0.682902 0.506772 0.732254 0.613263 0.652189
$A_{12}$ 0.726178 0.954832 0.453666 0.869930 0.585575 0.544842 0.495033 0.896613 0.895689
$A_{1}$ 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
$A_{2}$ 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 3
$A_{3}$ 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4
$A_{4}$ 6 5 5 5 5 10 5 6 5
$A_{5}$ 5 7 6 7 6 9 6 7 7
$A_{6}$ 10 10 10 12 9 12 9 12 12
$A_{7}$ 12 9 12 10 10 11 10 9 9
$A_{8}$ 11 8 11 8 12 4 12 8 8
$A_{9}$ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
$A_{10}$ 9 11 8 9 7 8 8 10 10
$A_{11}$ 7 6 9 6 11 6 11 5 6
$A_{12}$ 8 12 7 11 8 7 7 11 11

Visualize the results as column graphs of weights, rankings, and correlations.

plot_barplot(df_weights, 'Weighting methods', 'Weight value', 'Criteria')
The PostScript backend does not support transparency; partially transparent artists will be rendered opaque.
plot_barplot(df_rankings, 'Alternatives', 'Rank', 'Weighting methods')
The PostScript backend does not support transparency; partially transparent artists will be rendered opaque.
results = copy.deepcopy(df_rankings)
method_types = list(results.columns)
dict_new_heatmap_rw = Create_dictionary()

for el in method_types:
    dict_new_heatmap_rw.add(el, [])

# heatmaps for correlations coefficients
for i, j in [(i, j) for i in method_types[::-1] for j in method_types]:
    dict_new_heatmap_rw[j].append(corrs.weighted_spearman(results[i], results[j]))

df_new_heatmap_rw = pd.DataFrame(dict_new_heatmap_rw, index = method_types[::-1])
df_new_heatmap_rw.columns = method_types

# correlation matrix with rw coefficient
draw_heatmap(df_new_heatmap_rw, r'$r_w$')

Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis Method (SMAA)

cols_ai = [str(el) for el in range(1, matrix.shape[0] + 1)]
# criteria number
n = matrix.shape[1]
# number of SMAA iterations
iterations = 10000
# create the VIKOR_SMAA method object
vikor_smaa = VIKOR_SMAA()
# generate multiple weight vectors in matrix
weight_vectors = vikor_smaa._generate_weights(n, iterations)
# Calculate the rank acceptability index, central weight vector and final ranking
rank_acceptability_index, central_weight_vector, rank_scores = vikor_smaa(matrix, weight_vectors, types)
acc_in_df = pd.DataFrame(rank_acceptability_index, index = list_alt_names, columns = cols_ai)

Rank acceptability indexes

This is dataframe with rank acceptability indexes for each alternative in relation to ranks. Rank acceptability index shows the share of different scores placing an alternative in a given rank.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
$A_{1}$ 0.2361 0.2458 0.1879 0.1354 0.0507 0.0546 0.0227 0.0480 0.0151 0.0037 0.0000 0.0000
$A_{2}$ 0.2208 0.3555 0.2194 0.1165 0.0455 0.0345 0.0078 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
$A_{3}$ 0.0001 0.0111 0.0229 0.0725 0.2870 0.1485 0.1467 0.1366 0.1656 0.0090 0.0000 0.0000
$A_{4}$ 0.1136 0.0670 0.0717 0.1356 0.1719 0.2304 0.0778 0.0375 0.0305 0.0322 0.0318 0.0000
$A_{5}$ 0.0003 0.0123 0.0129 0.0217 0.0780 0.0999 0.2542 0.1427 0.1256 0.2322 0.0202 0.0000
$A_{6}$ 0.0000 0.0007 0.0070 0.0511 0.0251 0.0369 0.1353 0.1146 0.1594 0.1655 0.1277 0.1767
$A_{7}$ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0011 0.0012 0.0062 0.0298 0.0306 0.0327 0.0822 0.0739 0.0924 0.6499
$A_{8}$ 0.0000 0.0011 0.0025 0.0050 0.0626 0.0392 0.0569 0.1442 0.0743 0.1210 0.4544 0.0388
$A_{9}$ 0.3802 0.1025 0.2888 0.0389 0.0271 0.0282 0.0239 0.0177 0.0680 0.0247 0.0000 0.0000
$A_{10}$ 0.0106 0.0425 0.0703 0.0684 0.0860 0.1690 0.0987 0.0715 0.1419 0.1403 0.0911 0.0097
$A_{11}$ 0.0000 0.1083 0.0779 0.2967 0.0668 0.0490 0.0606 0.0944 0.0243 0.0794 0.1010 0.0416
$A_{12}$ 0.0383 0.0532 0.0376 0.0570 0.0931 0.0800 0.0848 0.1601 0.1131 0.1181 0.0814 0.0833

Rank acceptability indexes displayed in the form of stacked bar chart.

plot_barplot(acc_in_df, 'Alternative', 'Rank acceptability index', 'Rank')
The PostScript backend does not support transparency; partially transparent artists will be rendered opaque.

Rank acceptability indexes displayed in the form of heatmap

draw_heatmap_smaa(acc_in_df, 'Rank acceptability indexes')

Central weight vector

The central weight vector describes the preferences of a typical decision-maker, supporting this alternative with the assumed preference model. It allows the decision-maker to see what criteria preferences result in the best evaluation of given alternatives. Rows containing only zeroes mean that a given alternative never becomes a leader.

central_weights_df = pd.DataFrame(central_weight_vector, index = list_alt_names, columns = cols)
$C_{1}$ $C_{2}$ $C_{3}$ $C_{4}$ $C_{5}$ $C_{6}$ $C_{7}$ $C_{8}$ $C_{9}$ $C_{10}$ $C_{11}$
$A_{1}$ 0.080044 0.065913 0.166905 0.126321 0.122206 0.077438 0.071596 0.080231 0.056639 0.054395 0.098312
$A_{2}$ 0.117195 0.089724 0.076283 0.128039 0.056262 0.080681 0.078959 0.081181 0.071432 0.110424 0.109820
$A_{3}$ 0.003336 0.023275 0.030771 0.102729 0.283001 0.043135 0.002438 0.036464 0.007505 0.311859 0.155486
$A_{4}$ 0.044721 0.084670 0.065501 0.058350 0.066241 0.089237 0.090514 0.078441 0.080131 0.214907 0.127288
$A_{5}$ 0.054054 0.277008 0.068419 0.020685 0.040810 0.035974 0.048625 0.025737 0.096084 0.255233 0.077371
$A_{6}$ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$A_{7}$ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$A_{8}$ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$A_{9}$ 0.096100 0.116361 0.066750 0.061925 0.105006 0.105905 0.100644 0.103442 0.130803 0.054416 0.058647
$A_{10}$ 0.052457 0.032178 0.039803 0.150401 0.038353 0.099733 0.111932 0.081925 0.068672 0.230646 0.093900
$A_{11}$ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$A_{12}$ 0.075694 0.037325 0.044251 0.046534 0.046289 0.143603 0.161465 0.138131 0.039332 0.150218 0.117158

Rank scores

rank_scores_df = pd.DataFrame(rank_scores, index = list_alt_names, columns = ['Rank'])
$A_{1}$ 3
$A_{2}$ 1
$A_{3}$ 6
$A_{4}$ 4
$A_{5}$ 9
$A_{6}$ 10
$A_{7}$ 12
$A_{8}$ 11
$A_{9}$ 2
$A_{10}$ 7
$A_{11}$ 5
$A_{12}$ 8
[ ]: